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The Red Heads conquer the Far West!!!

While the news about Céline’s pregnancy is in every mind, The Red Heads keep working on the organization of what is likely to be a memorable journey. Because yes, indeed, we announce you officially that The Red Heads will go and conquer the West American in march of next year as the birth of Céline’s twins do not question her commitment to go back to Las Vegas.

More than ever, the management team works very hard to offer you not only a trip to Las Vegas but a fantastic ride across the Far West. Exoticism, emotions, festive atmosphere and surprises of all kind: this will be the cocktail of this out of the common journey.

It is too soon to reveal the detailed program, but please know that we will offer a « standard package » as well as optional activities so that everyone can make the most of this journey while respecting their budget.

Also note that tracing Lucky Luke will not be an easy task, so start recharging your batteries right now because The Saloon of The Red Heads will only be available to the participants filled with energy and a communicative good mood!

So wake up the Calamity Jane that lies within you and be ready to draw your passport faster than your shadow!

Celine Dion is pregnant ! x2


We could not miss that ! Many of you know it already, some still cannot belive it, but that is now official, CELINE IS PREGNANT WITH TWINS !!!

In Europe, fans have read the news on People Magazine’s website, confirming the information that had leaked on Twitter. It is rapidly spreading on the internet, like for instance on Canadian, American and French websites this morning.

Celine has now been pregnant for 14 weeks. Following the disappointment of 2009, the Dion family decided to wait a few weeks before confirming. It was the 6th in vitro fertilization attempt.

Celine has been very cautious. Le journal de Montréal has been able to interview Celine and René, and she declared : « I stayed in New York this time, under medical care for one month and not moving too much. René-Charles came to see me. » We also learned that Celine had used acupuncture to optimize the process.

Le Journal de Montreal also revealed the family is moving in its new home these days.

René told People magazine : « »We’re ecstatic, ». « Celine is just hoping for a healthy pregnancy. » »

Two babies for Celine and her family. That comes as a marvellous reward and shows how determined Celine and René are.

According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, the March 15 return to Caesars Palace is maintained.

It is a time for joy and celebration ! Congratulation Celine and René and the whole family ! Next week we will know if the babies are two girls, two boys, or a boy and a girl ! Make a bet !!

Long life to The Red Heads (they did it!!)

It has been about two years since you saw the birth of The Red Heads, a group of Céline Dion fans that are a bit crazy in their kind. Some of you have followed our events since the very first day, others joined us a bit later or even a few days ago.

Since the creation of the group, events crazier and crazier each time have followed on and you have been the witnesses, but especially the actors of this story that is ours. Remember that journey to the other continent, that welcoming firework. Remember the first time you wore the cap, that long night spent painting this damned white sheet… remember that huge concert hall, just for us… for us and for her. That woman we dream about and whose eyes met ours for the first time. Remember that run in the sand, the thumping sound of the engine, that proposal… remember that day waiting in the line, that evening around a table, images on the big screen, around you they laugh, they cry. Meetings, meetings, meetings ! And since then… friends.

Each of us cares so much about The Red Heads, and this is our strength. Our number keeps increasing, fans from all over the world greet and support us. Even stronger, She knows everything about us, about our story, our projects.

And it is to keep living our passion as much as possible, to keep taking up even bigger challenges, to be up to our ambitions that we have taken a decision that means a lot.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce you that The Red Heads are entering a new era. The website was a first step, but it is nothing compared to what is coming up, under the following designation: The Red Heads, non-profit organization

Text translation :

« Declaration made in the Prefecture of Rhône. THE RED HEADS. Object : to promote the different events that punctuate Céline Dion’s career; it is also a way to gather fans in national or international events ; moreover, the non-profit organization increases the artist’s exposure in different ways. Headquarters : Lyon (France). Date of the declaration : April, 19th of April.”

Long life to The Red Heads!

Legends of autumn

« Here the autumn ends bringing back the rain… »

Autumn rhymes with the fall of leaves from trees, chestnut battles or Halloween costumes. But autumn is also usually the season that Céline chooses to visit her French fans. Indeed, the legend is that october rains and november cold go with the comings and goings of Céline in Paris, and it is very often with their down jackets and duffle-coats that fans wait to approach her.

Years go by and the legend continues. Therefore the years 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2005 or also 2007 were not an exception to the rule. The recording of the D’Eux album, concerts in the Zénith, in Bercy, Star Academy, Christmas shows with Michel Drucker … what do all these events have in common? They occurred in autumn.

This year again, with 2 albums planned before the end of the year and a new show in Las Vegas to promote, it seems like all the ingredients are gathered for the legend to repeat…

And you, do you believe in legends?

Your Red Heads story wanted!

Our group « The Red Heads » has been existing for more than 2 years now, and it is thanks to each and every one of you. There were events and meetings, thanks to which we have got wonderful memories stuck into our minds and hearts for a long long time…

That is why we are asking you today to share your story, your journey, your Red Heads experience! How did you learn about the group, what motivated you to embark on this adventure and to join us? Your story is interesting for us and it will enable future group members to better understand the Red Heads phenomenon. It will be featured on a whole new section of the website, which we will be creating, including photographs. This will be really nice for visitors wanting to know more about us.

So please! Come on, don’t hesitate and send your story and anecdotes to including one or two photographs that best symbolize the Red Heads spirit for you.

This is YOUR website and we hope many of you will want to contribute to a lively feeling on it!

Thank you all for your help!